Matthew Kurz - Updates & Prayers

Periodic updates on Matthew's condition and ongoing prayers and words of encouragement for Matthew and his family.

September 04, 2007

Update - 9/4/07

Matthew is moving right along. Last week he used the walker and took 50+ steps all at one time (with a couple rest stops in the middle). He was very proud of himself!!! Matthew is also scheduled to have more time in the coming weeks on the auto-ambulator at Rusk in Columbia. That is very exciting!!! It will strengthen what he's been able to accomplish on his own.

Today (Tuesday) the neurologist is examining Matthew's shunt from his brain to his stomach. They will put dye in the shunt and watch the flow to see if it is traveling well or if there is blockage. If there is blockage, the neurologist may considering draining off fluid from Matthew's brain. Please pray for a positive outcome of these procedures!!!

God be with you this day!!!

Rachel Asburry
Matthew's Godmother


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