Praise the Lord! Matthew's staph infection responded to the antibiotics and he is healthy again. Doctors will always have to be watchful of Matthew's condition when he has surgery because the chances are great that he could get the staph infection again. But for now, he's doing well. The incision in his back is healing well and the blister from the brace on his foot is also doing much better. They discovered why it was taking so long for the incision in his back to heal - there were five stitches still left in there and his body was trying to get rid of them.
Previously Matthew has been able to pull himself up on the parallel bars with minimal assistant from the therapist. Today he pulled himself up UNASSISTED three times! In addition to this he is getting his strength back following the surgeries. He can scoot himself back in his chair by himself (normally had to have some assistance) and he is also able to hold his balance while he is sitting without arms or back of chair to lean against. Matthew still is dealing with tone and muscle spasms so that interferes with his ability to walk, but he is doing very well in building his strength in other areas.
Matthew's language skills are improving. He does need a little prompting in answering questions, but when he concentrates and works at what he wants to say, he can carry on a simple conversation.
Eating a normal plate of food is still not Matthew's "cup of tea" but he is eating well with the nutritional foods he is given. The challenge has been that Matthew would usually push his plate away and refuse to eat. Now when asked if he's hungry and wants to eat, he responds "Yes, please."
This coming week Matthew has several visits with doctors and lab technicians. Thursday he will have a CAT scan of the brain to see if the extra fluid has drained off via the shunt. On Friday he has a follow up visit with the neurologist and Dr. Rupright in Columbia. On Monday, the 30th Matthew will see the doctor who would be the one to do the surgery to put the bachlofin pump back in his body. He can't have any open wounds in order to have that surgery so we pray he is all healed of sores and incisions.
God be with you this day!
Rachel Asburry
Matthew's Godmother