Matthew Kurz - Updates & Prayers

Periodic updates on Matthew's condition and ongoing prayers and words of encouragement for Matthew and his family.

February 13, 2007

Update - 2/12/07

Last week Matthew stood three times (pulling himself up) which was a major accomplishment because of ingrown toenail surgery on 2/5 on the other foot. Previously the pain would have been too much for him, but he stood despite the pain and discomfort. Please pray that the ingrown toenail heals well so progress can continue with his therapy.

Matthew continues to talk more and is cheerful. Last week he played tic-tac-toe with Mom for the first time.

As of last week, he's playing with activities on his computer but soon he will have formal training online as well as training with the therapist at rehab.

Matthew is eating very well. This is a great blessing considering in the past he didn't want to eat following surgery or when some part of his body was in pain. He is eating bigger portions at mealtime and he feeds himself. He doesn't like to be fed by someone else. So, right now he's eating with his fingers. Down the road he'll get training with how to use utensils.

It isn't confirmed yet, but things look good for Matthew to return to Rusk Rehab in Columbia, MO for the intensive therapy they can provide. We'll let you know as soon as the official word is given.

Hope you are safe and staying warm at this time of wintry weather across the country.

Rachel Asburry
Matthew's godmother


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