Matthew Kurz - Updates & Prayers

Periodic updates on Matthew's condition and ongoing prayers and words of encouragement for Matthew and his family.

November 13, 2006

Update - 11/13/06

It's another day to rejoice!

Matthew turned on his voice and spoke today! With effort and much concentration he said his name, "Mom" and "I love you". He is paying close attention to others and how they speak and form words and is attempting to get the words out himself.

Another accomplishment is standing longer. He was in the standing frame today and was able to stand up for five minutes!

And there's more: Matthew managed to drink through a straw several times AND hold the water in his mouth. This are all important milestones in his development and recovery!

Rachel Asburry
Matthew's godmother


  • At 9:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    CONGRATULATIONS... I know that is a moment to remember for ever.....

    It takes so much effort for Matthew to speak... concentration, getting all the "wires" working in his brain....

    Christine Foutts

  • At 7:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    How very exciting! God is great!
    God is good!

    We pray for you and your family often!!!



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