Update - 8/22/06
The Kurz family has returned from a short, much-needed vacation. They were refreshed and renewed by the diversion and now it's time for the boys to go back to school and Mom and Dad to continue with their vocations. Matthew was in good hands while they were gone with Uncle Joel and the nurses that come in shifts to the home. Uncle Joel is very compassionate in his care of his nephew and he does a very good job with Matthew.
Matthew has moved on his own quite a bit recently, especially his legs. His caregivers have always had to move his legs for him and help reposition him by doing all the effort with his legs. Matthew has begun to move his legs on his own some - moving his legs over where one will be hanging off the edge of the bed. Matthew has also pushed himself up off the surface of a bed and raised up on his elbows when he was suppose to be resting between therapy sessions. He came close to falling off the bed, so now he can't be left alone.
Matthew continues to work on making the "p" sound. He still doesn't say words, but he is trying hard to form the letters.
The surgery for his left leg was scheduled for this Thursday, August 24, but that has been postponed because Matthew has an infection on the side of his toe and is on antibiotics. So, surgery is not possible while there is an infection. Hopefully this will clear up soon.
I hope all of you are doing well and if your children are going back to school now, may they have a terrific year and enjoy learning.
Rachel Asburry
Commission on Worship
Matthew has moved on his own quite a bit recently, especially his legs. His caregivers have always had to move his legs for him and help reposition him by doing all the effort with his legs. Matthew has begun to move his legs on his own some - moving his legs over where one will be hanging off the edge of the bed. Matthew has also pushed himself up off the surface of a bed and raised up on his elbows when he was suppose to be resting between therapy sessions. He came close to falling off the bed, so now he can't be left alone.
Matthew continues to work on making the "p" sound. He still doesn't say words, but he is trying hard to form the letters.
The surgery for his left leg was scheduled for this Thursday, August 24, but that has been postponed because Matthew has an infection on the side of his toe and is on antibiotics. So, surgery is not possible while there is an infection. Hopefully this will clear up soon.
I hope all of you are doing well and if your children are going back to school now, may they have a terrific year and enjoy learning.
Rachel Asburry
Commission on Worship
At 7:56 AM,
Anonymous said…
I think someone needs to remind Pastor Kurz that he has a vocation. As far as his pastoral responsibilities, he has been on a permanent vaction since the accident. It was rather refreshing for the last two Sunday's to hear a real sermon. As far as Matthew's infection, doesn't Brenda have enough shaklee she can push down him to help prevent these things?
At 10:40 AM,
Anonymous said…
To anonymous,
How cruel you are to make statements like that! You obviously don't have an ounce of compasion in that sick head of yours. I hope you never have to go through what the Kurz's are going through, and to be able to understand how such a tradgedy can disrupt your life! Their family is more important than you right now.
If you are having problems, which it sounds like you are, there are other clergy, councelors,psychistrist, etc. that you can seek to listen to your problems. May God help you!
Cheryl Jasa
At 1:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
Since January God has been preaching a sermon. It is the story of Matthew Kurz and his family. In Luke 10:25-37 it is written 'And behold, a lawyer stood up to put him (Jesus) to the test, saying, "Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?" He said to him, "What is written in th law? How do you read?" And Jesus answered," You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and will all you strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself.": And he said to him "You have answered right; do this, and you will live." But he, desiring to justify himself, said to Jesus,"And who is my neighbor?" Jesus replied, "A man was going down from Jereusalem to Jericho, and he fell among robbers, who stripped him and beat him, and departed, leaving him half dead. Now by chance a priest was going down that road; and when he saw him he passed by on the other side. So likewise a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. But a Samaritan, as he journeyed, came to where he was, and when he saw him, he had compassion, and went to him and bound up his wounds, pouring on oil and wine, then set him on his own beast and brought him to an inn, and took care of him. And the next day he took out two denarii and gave them to the innkeeper, saying, 'Take care of him; and whatever more you spend, I will repay you when I come back.' Which of these three, do you think, proved neighbor to the man who fell among the robbers?" He said, "the one who showed mercy on him." And Jesus said to him, "Go and do likewise."
Since January, God has been preaching a very "real" serman, and the Serman by Jesus of The Good Samaratin is just one that relates to the Serman of Matthew Kurz, who was beaten and robbed, and the Good Samaratins that have listened and heard the serman that God is preaching, and have learned from the serman's of Jesus how to "Love their neighbor as themselves."
Joyce Koenig
At 3:44 PM,
Randy Asburry said…
Dear "anonymous,"
How unkind, uncharitable, and very unChristian! Based on your own words, I'm guessing that you must be a member of one of Pastor Kurz's congregations. If so, you should really be ashamed of yourself!!
Satan has really shackled your heart! Not only should you be ashamed of not caring for a family in need, but you should also be ashamed of putting down the pastor whom God has given you. And you didn't just put him down privately over coffee or some such thing (which would certainly be bad enough!), but you have slandered him on the world wide web for all of humanity to see your sin. Remember that no matter what their needs, or even their foibles, may be, God has given Pastor Kurz and his family to you, and He commands you to *love* him, not slander him. (Remember how God has loved you in your sin and your needs and foibles?) So, Mr./Mrs. "anonymous," you need to repent of your very public sin of slander.
You need to go straight to Pastor Kurz and confess your sin against him. I would suggest apologizing 1) for the world-wide public slander, and 2) for despising the Word of God that Pastor Kurz has preached to you. (Remember the 3rd Commandment in the Catechism?) I would also suggest going to Mrs. Kurz and apologizing 1) for slandering her in public before the whole world, and 2) for putting down the vocation that God has given her.
And most of all, I would suggest - in the best pastoral way that I can - that you seek out your pastor for Private Confession and Absolution. You have truly and egregiously sinned against God Himself, and thus you have caused other people around the world who read your words to question your integrity as a Christian and thus God's integrity as the God who loves all humankind. Your unkind and unChristian words most certainly turn people off to Christ and His Church. That is most unfortunate since we all want our family and friends to know and enjoy the God who loves us and forgives us!
And finally, I very pastorally suggest that you *not* partake of Holy Communion until you confess 1) to God and 2) to the Kurzes. Your unrepentant, cold, bitter heart will only receive the Lord's precious gift of life-giving Body and Blood as burning fire in your soul or as ground glass in your belly.
I am not your pastor, and I will probably never know if you actually do repent and do the "right thing" by the Kurzes, but God will most certainly know. And I will pray that God the Holy Spirit will lead you to repentance and humility...and to love your pastor and his family, especially since they all the help and support they can get.
Rev. Randy Asburry
St. Louis, MO
At 4:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
To the Kurz family
I'm thrilled to hear you were able to take a much-needed vacation and pray that Matthew's infection will heal quickly.
To anonymous #1,
Do you have children of your own? If you do, you should realize that you never really get a "vacation." Especially when they will probably always be worrying about Matthew when they are not with him. Pastor Kurz and Brenda need love and support right now, not your vicious words. I believe the Kurz family is handling this challenging experience in their life with utmost courage and love. May God have mercy on you.
At 9:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
to anonymous
There are many of us who are friends with the Kurz's who are unable to talk with them on a regular basis and this is the only means we have to get updates on Matthew and the family. If you have feelings such as this, that is bad enough, but we really don't want to hear about them. There are many of us who love and care about the Kurz's and we want to show them we love and care about them. Not to show them spite or maliciousness.
At 6:25 AM,
Anonymous said…
Wow! Looks like we hit a flashpoint. Be quick to listen and slow to speak also applies to blogs and emails. Another thought about comment #1 - it sounds to me like a left-handed compliment. Granted it could have been expressed more tactfully but it sounds like someone who misses their pastor. Balancing family and congregational responsibilities is a daily challenge for the pastor. Pray for patience for the Kurz's and also their parishes.
At 11:43 AM,
Anonymous said…
I agree this is not an appropriate forum for anonymous #1's comments.
I agree he/she needs to confess and do a face-to-face - but not until a humble spirit can be found.
Rev. Asbury, thank you for reminding us all that we serve a graceful and forgiving LORD. We simply have to acknowledge to him our wrong doing and ask for forgivness. However, when you make public comments like these, an apology to the offended party is also called for and based on Biblical principles.
Dear Brenda and Erich and boys...
Kirk and I have dealt with this type of comment on Michael's website also (Michael was at Rusk with Matthew). It is difficult to read, but knowing you both, even a little, I see a gentleness, calmness and forgiving spirit. If offered, I know you will forgive and forget - isn't that what God did for us? As far as the east is from the west?
I think about you daily, as I have a picture of you at my desk - taken in Matthew's room at Rusk with all the well wishes behind him.
I visit this blog often to keep up with the progress. Thank you Rev. Asbury for your time.
Michael's website is: http://thepoweroflove.us
There are current pictures - even a smile - what a joy to see.
Love and prayers to all,
Christine Foutts
Michael's Mom
(my favorite titel)
At 7:50 AM,
Anonymous said…
While I do not agree with the first posters method of airing his/her grievances, as long as we are quoting Scripture, maybe we should remember "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."
At 9:20 AM,
Anonymous said…
How sad #1 is. I had Bible study at our ladies LWML meeting and it was about loving the Lord with your whole heart,soul and body. We did talk about how the congregations have prayed for Matthew. Sometimes just to hear his name, brings tears to my eyes. God has given us the perfect opportunity to be exactly like the Good Samaritan. Mary Talbott
At 9:58 AM,
Anonymous said…
As a citizen of the Cole Camp community, it embarrasses me to read the first comment. Although there have been negative attitudes in the area since Matthew's accident, the majority of the community is, indeed, a caring one. Many prayers have been offered in the entire Kurz family's behalf, and continue to be offered. Pastor and Brenda, (and readers world-wide)please don't judge an entire population by the hateful ramblings of one. I encourage the writer to pray for forgiveness, not from just the Kurz family, but from all they have insulted by their comments. Most of all, I encourage you to pray for forgiveness from our Heavenly Father. May He have mercy on you.
At 6:12 AM,
Anonymous said…
Anonymous #1 Comment:
What a dastardly deed. Hiding behind the "anonymous" handle to make cowardly attempts at criticizing the Kurz family situation. You are nothing more than a coward. A yellow-bellied fool.
It's easy to state things as anonymous. If you want people to take your opinions seriously, you should choose a different forum to express yourself... Perhaps one that is more appropriate, such as a personal meeting with Pastor Kurz.
I am a blogger who has stumbled onto Matthew's page and it makes me sad that someone in his communitity could be so heartless.
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