Update - Edited - 5/17/06
Mother's Day was an enjoyable day for the Kurz family. The boys were watching re-runs of the Cosby Show with Matthew. At one point Lucas and Timothy laughed really hard. Matthew then SMILED and opened his mouth as if laughing without sound. What a treat to see!
The doctors, staff and Brenda and Erich are all very pleased to see Matthew very calm, with very little agitation. Once in a while he moans when being transferred from the bed to the chair because of his foot still hurts, but overall there is tremendous improvement with his demeanor. His foot wound is taking time to heal, but it is doing a little better. This wound does impede his therapy on his foot and ankle because the therapist can't grasp his foot fully to move it around because of the pain it causes him, so she has to hold it gingerly.
The doctors have indicated that they are confident that Matthew is very aware of everything going on around him. They can tell by his clear response with hands, eyes, etc. that his is paying attention and understands.
The incision over his collarbone is doing OK. They had to cut away decayed tissue last week in surgery, but it looks much better now. They tested the area for infection and one doctor mentioned that he was amazed that there wasn't any infection considering how long there was an open wound. Could this be because of the good bacteria Matthew receives from the Shaklee product, Optiflora?!
A business has finally been found that will make copies of Matthew's artwork. The piece that is affectionately called the "Van Gogh" and the "Nose Picker" are $35 plus shipping. The charcoal picture (still life) is $100 plus shipping. The cost is so high because of the size and the large amount of ink that it takes to produce the picture. Money collected from the sale of these pictures will be included in other Thrivent matching fund programs. Go to www.colecamparea.com/Matthew to view the artwork. Andrew continues to be the contact person for this project. Until the end of the May, the checks need to be made out to "Thrivent" and mail them to Andrew at:
Andrew Kurz
24302 Cheese Creek Road
Cole Camp, MO 65325
The Harley Davidson fundraiser went pretty well on Saturday despite a slow start with one cyclist in the morning. Later in the day there were ALOT more. You can still contribute to this fundraiser and add to the funds that will be matched by Thrivent by sending checks made out to Thrivent with "Matthew Kurz fundraiser" on the memo line. Send the checks to:
Bob Boone
7220 W. 98th Terrace, Suite 230
Overland Park, KS 66212
Brenda asked me to share the names of a couple books she's been reading about head trauma. One is entitled, "Where is the Mango Princess? A Journey Back from Brain Injury". The author is Cathy Crimmins, wife of a man who was involved in a boating accident while in the water. A boat hit his head. The book describes the journey of process of repair with head trauma and how life is changed forever and the caregivers will have to care for the victim for the rest of their lives.
The other book that you might want to check out is called "Ketchup on the Keyboard" (sorry, I don't have the author's name). This is a mother's story about her son involved in a car accident, with head trauma injuries.
We will let you know Friday (at the latest on Saturday) if Matthew will officially be able to attend the graduation ceremony on Sunday, May 21st. Nothing has happened recently to get in the way of this "adventure" for Matthew, so we hope the doctors give him the official OK in a couple days.
Have a blessed day!
Rachel Asburry
Matthew's godmother
The doctors, staff and Brenda and Erich are all very pleased to see Matthew very calm, with very little agitation. Once in a while he moans when being transferred from the bed to the chair because of his foot still hurts, but overall there is tremendous improvement with his demeanor. His foot wound is taking time to heal, but it is doing a little better. This wound does impede his therapy on his foot and ankle because the therapist can't grasp his foot fully to move it around because of the pain it causes him, so she has to hold it gingerly.
The doctors have indicated that they are confident that Matthew is very aware of everything going on around him. They can tell by his clear response with hands, eyes, etc. that his is paying attention and understands.
The incision over his collarbone is doing OK. They had to cut away decayed tissue last week in surgery, but it looks much better now. They tested the area for infection and one doctor mentioned that he was amazed that there wasn't any infection considering how long there was an open wound. Could this be because of the good bacteria Matthew receives from the Shaklee product, Optiflora?!
A business has finally been found that will make copies of Matthew's artwork. The piece that is affectionately called the "Van Gogh" and the "Nose Picker" are $35 plus shipping. The charcoal picture (still life) is $100 plus shipping. The cost is so high because of the size and the large amount of ink that it takes to produce the picture. Money collected from the sale of these pictures will be included in other Thrivent matching fund programs. Go to www.colecamparea.com/Matthew to view the artwork. Andrew continues to be the contact person for this project. Until the end of the May, the checks need to be made out to "Thrivent" and mail them to Andrew at:
Andrew Kurz
24302 Cheese Creek Road
Cole Camp, MO 65325
The Harley Davidson fundraiser went pretty well on Saturday despite a slow start with one cyclist in the morning. Later in the day there were ALOT more. You can still contribute to this fundraiser and add to the funds that will be matched by Thrivent by sending checks made out to Thrivent with "Matthew Kurz fundraiser" on the memo line. Send the checks to:
Bob Boone
7220 W. 98th Terrace, Suite 230
Overland Park, KS 66212
Brenda asked me to share the names of a couple books she's been reading about head trauma. One is entitled, "Where is the Mango Princess? A Journey Back from Brain Injury". The author is Cathy Crimmins, wife of a man who was involved in a boating accident while in the water. A boat hit his head. The book describes the journey of process of repair with head trauma and how life is changed forever and the caregivers will have to care for the victim for the rest of their lives.
The other book that you might want to check out is called "Ketchup on the Keyboard" (sorry, I don't have the author's name). This is a mother's story about her son involved in a car accident, with head trauma injuries.
We will let you know Friday (at the latest on Saturday) if Matthew will officially be able to attend the graduation ceremony on Sunday, May 21st. Nothing has happened recently to get in the way of this "adventure" for Matthew, so we hope the doctors give him the official OK in a couple days.
Have a blessed day!
Rachel Asburry
Matthew's godmother
At 5:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
I'm Patrick's mom from Streator, Il. I wrote once before. My son also has a brain injury; and anoxic injury. We continue to keep Matthew in our prayers. This blog site is a wonderful idea. Your son's journey reminds us so much of what we have gone through. When you mentioned Matthew's graduation, I just wanted to pass on some information we found out that applies under the Adult Disability Act in the our state. We found out that if Patrick had not yet graduated from high school, he may have been eligable to continue his education tuition free until he was 21 years old. In another situation of a family we met near by, who's son also has a TBI from an auto accident, who participated in his graduation, is now stuggling to attend college full time, primarily so that he can stay on his parent medical insurance. It's been a horrible situation to be placed in, and I know they would not have allowed him to graduate if they knew about the medical coverage. I just wanted you to know. My son Pat was touch and go the first couple weeks. We thought we had lost him a couple times. I remember reading the Lazarus story over and over to him hoping to be granted a similar blessing. God did grant us that blessing- but in His own way. Then one day in inpatient rehab, someone explained to me that Pat has a "new life" now. That he'll have the same characteristics of the "Old Pat"- but that he will be a new creation- a "new Pat". As soon as I could understand and accept that, I was so much more help to him. I'd be happy to share more about Pat. I really feel for you- Most importantly- remain faithful as God contimues to bless you each hour of Matthews recovery and remember God is in control!
At 5:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
Brenda- Lori again, I just remembered something else. As we said the Lord's Prayer each night with Pat- one day he "mouthed" the words along with us. Do you know of anything that he knows the words to- really well? Maybe his brothers know of the type of music he listened to. Play it. sing it with him. Learn the words yourself, and let him see you sing- put his hands on your mouth when you sing- all these things helped Pat start talking. He mouthed words for a long time- so be patient! May God send you an abundance of peace, patience and comfort. Hang in there, Lori
At 6:22 AM,
Anonymous said…
Rachel -
Are you sharing Lori's information with Brenda or I would be happy to share the information with her if need be - just let me know.
Lincoln, MO
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