Dear Friends,
It recently came to my attention that a former update (3/6/06) on recent fundraising ideas for Matthew and the Kurz family has received a comment that, well, questions the necessity or the propriety of fundraisers for more than just medical expenses. I want to take a moment and respond to that comment in general, and then to the specific statements in the comment.
First, let me say that this "blog" site has been established for the regular and frequent updates on Matthew's condition, needs, and recovery. We also want this site to communicate needs of the family so that you, the readers--the family and friends of the Kurz family--can pray for them and do what you can to support and aid them in this time of great need.
With that in mind, the second general thing I want to say is this: the Matthew Kurz blog is
not intended for debate in which some try to influence or persuade others to their point of view, whatever it may be. Other blog sites may excel in that, and that's great for their purposes. The purpose of this blog site, however, is simply to disseminate information so that good, supportive people can pray for Matthew and the Kurz family and decide for themselves how to help them.
So, while most comments (all but one, as far as I know) have been very supportive of and encouraging to the Kurz family, I must give this gentle warning: If more comments are posted that try to spark debate on what's going on with the Kurz family, or that question the motives of the Kurz family, or that attempt to dissuade people from their very supportive and charitable actions toward the Kurz family, I will give serious thought to locking out the comments in general. I do not want to do this, because most of the comments have been so very supportive of the Matthew and the Kurz family, and the family has truly been comforted by them. However, if it comes to this--that some try to spark debate on or question something relative to the Kurz family--I will close out the comments in order to protect my dear family members. Please do not view this as harsh or vengeful; I will only do it if I see that Matthew and his family need to their honor and reputation better protected.
Now to some specific reactions to specific statements of the 3/6/06 comment.
There is some concern about the perception of seeking fund raisers for the family to be able to build a new home.The only "perception" that we should be "concerned about" should be that many people are doing a wonderful job of supporting and coming to the aid of the Kurz family. The fact of the matter is that a new home is and will be one of their essential needs.
In the event that Matthew no longer needs the handicapped home, what do they plan to do with the house then especially when the community gave their money for this home. Would they offer it to the next family that might be faced with this type of crisis in the community?This seems to be a most uncharitable way to look at the situation! As far as I know, a new home for the Kurz family would not be a "handicapped home" (whatever that may be), but a home that is more accessible for Matthew in his new and future condition. If people in the community donate money, land, etc. for a new home for the Kurz family, let them do so
charitably, that is, expecting absolutely nothing in return and with no strings whatsoever attached. Charity does not work like a landlord charging rent or looking for the next tenant. Charity simply gives with no thought of return. And if some don't want to give to such a home, so be it; they don't have to.
Also, if some other family in the community "might be faced with this type of crisis" in the future, then let the community band together again and build yet another home. That would be the wonderful and charitable thing to do for that family, and it would greatly improve the community, both in morale and in property value.
Shouldn't one wait and see how Matthew progresses before they jump the gun and get a new home just because they may want or need one now? Dear Sir or Madam, the Kurz family is
not jumping the gun! The medical personnel have already told them that Matthew will certainly go home in a wheelchair. The house in which they currently live--and I know it well since I've been there many times--cannot possibly handle a wheelchair. Even if a ramp were to be built to allow a wheelchair into the house, the inside of the house could never be modified enough to allow for Matthew even to get to the bathroom.
Whatever lies behind the comment, "just because they may want or need one now," I suggest that you keep it in check and keep it to yourself! These are obviously exceptional circumstances, and this comment borders on impugning the motives of the Kurz family in this time of great need.
I think fund raisers for medical expenses is a tremendous blessing. Asking for a new home may just be over stepping things.Dear Sir or Madam, you may choose to limit your charity and your support for the Kurz family, but just because you want to do that does not mean that others should. To reiterate, the Kurz family is not merely "asking for a new home," they absolutely
need a new home. Please do not try to stifle the generosity of others!
Isn't our God good and merciful and doesn't he always provide what we need even though our thoughts may be different? Doesn't He know our needs even before we request them? Yes, our God is good and merciful, and He is providing marvelously for the Kurz family through the generosity of many. If you have different thoughts about how far to extend your own charity, so be it. Our gracious and merciful Triune God is seeing fit to spur many on to support the Kurz family, to pray for them, and, as they are able, to give generously for
all the needs that the Kurz family now must face. Please don't try to limit the generosity of others in the community!
The request for land and money for a down payment has definitely brought up many thoughts and discussions. And if those "thoughts and discussions" have been critical of the Kurz family in any way, then they are truly out of line and need to be stopped in their tracks. Let me urge and encourage everyone involved to defend the Kurz family, speak well of them, and explain everything in the kindest way (put the best construction on things).
I believe God has everything worked out for His good and His glory. All praise will go to Him. He is so good!Yes, God is so good, but questioning the motives of the Kurz family and trying to limit the charity of others who choose to help them out is not good at all. What will truly work for God's glory is to see so many gracious and supportive people give generously not only to the medical expenses, but also to the immediate and dire need of a new home (with no "community strings" attached), as well as to the longer term needs of education and ongoing care and rehabilitation.
May God continue to bless the Kurz family with plenty of family and friends who want to give generously and without thought of return or conditions!
"Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ" (Galatians 6:2).
"Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith" (Galatians 6:10).
"Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others" (Philippians 2:4).
Randy Asburry
Matthew's Godfather