Matthew Kurz - Updates & Prayers

Periodic updates on Matthew's condition and ongoing prayers and words of encouragement for Matthew and his family.

March 17, 2006

Update - 3/17/06

There's not alot to report this time. Matthew has been resting alot since his return to Rusk and he's been peaceful - glad to be back in his own room, we think. He hasn't verbalized anymore, but it's probably exhausting for now.

Rev. Kurz has been with his son the majority of this week and Brenda has been home with the boys.

The staff gave Matthew a little applesauce yesterday and at first he just held it on his tongue. When they added a few ice chips, he swallowed it right down. They are still planning to do the swallow study that I mentioned a couple weeks ago. That was delayed because of his trip to the hospital.

They do have concern about Matthew's muscle tone in his left leg and his right arm. Both these appendages are very stiff. Please pray they can be relaxed and limbered up.

We hope for a good weekend for Matthew and a great visit for the brothers when they stop to see him on Saturday with their mom.

Rachel Asburry
Matthew's godmother


  • At 11:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i'm so glad matthew is back in rehab and resting.
    god's blessing.


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