Update - 2/28/06
This weekend Matthew was pretty low-key. He had a fever on Saturday and Sunday, but he was much improved on Monday without the fever. They did determine that Matthew has Influenza B. As many of you may know, health and wellness is one of Brenda's top priorities. Consequently, making sure her son's immune system is strong when he's fighting to get better all the time is extremely important. I'm happy to report that Matthew's doctors are in agreement with her and have given the OK to add another important supplement to Matthew's feeding regimen. He will now receive Shaklee's Nutriferon which is backed by 40 years of research showing its benefits for boosting the immune system. For more information on what nutriferon is, check out the following website: http://www.nutriferon.net/
Currently Matthew is being fed Shaklee's Energizing Soy Protein, Citrus Boost, Liqui-Lea, Optiflora, and Omegaguard. More nutrients will be added as he progresses and the doctors determine what will help his brain and whole body heal. So many people have mentioned to Brenda that they have wanted to know more about this "healthy stuff" and just haven't gotten around to talking to her about it. If you're one of those people, then check out Brenda's webpage: www.shaklee.net/ahealthieryou . It would be a great way to help yourself toward feeling better and helping the Kurz family as they handle the enormous change in their financial situation caring for Matthew.
Despite having influenza, Matthew still works hard to follow instructions, even when he's tired. He waved goodbye on command with his left hand - moving his fingers up and down a little bit. His PT therapist was asking Matthew to squeeze his hand, and he responded very lightly. The therapist said, "come on, Matthew, squeeze my hand tighter" and Matthew squeezed very lightly again. So, the therapist said, "Now, Matthew, I have 80 year old patients that can squeeze tighter than that." Matthew proceeded to give a "vice-grip" squeeze to the therapist's hand and the therapist responded, "Okay, okay, Matthew, I'm sorry."
The staff is also having to keep a close eye on Matthew and his increased activity. He's starting to grab at things and has pulled out his IV and catheter. They had to put a mitt on his hand to keep him from pulling out his feeding tube. I don't blame him - if I had all those things attached to me, I'd be trying to get rid of them too.
Matthew can see!!!!! He got his replacement glasses on Saturday and is looking around the room like he's seeing things for the first time.
Check back later today or tomorrow and we'll have the link for viewing and purchasing prints of Matthew's artwork. This will be a great way to help fund Matthew's education!
Brenda and Erich will be with the other three boys on Wednesday so that they may worship as a family at Ash Wednesday service.
It's a juggling act making sure everyone is taken care of, but the Kurzs are managing. Thanks to Dad playing "Mr. Mom" and people like the boys' Uncle Joel, the house isn't "falling apart" when Brenda is away in Columbia.
Thank you for your continued prayers for Matthew and the whole family.
Rachel Asburry
Matthew's godmother