Matthew Kurz - Updates & Prayers

Periodic updates on Matthew's condition and ongoing prayers and words of encouragement for Matthew and his family.

January 26, 2007

Update - 1/26/07

Yesterday marks the one year anniversary of Matthew and Andrew's accident and we thank the Lord that both of them are alive and well and that Matthew has come so far and made wonderful progress in a year's time!

A year later and Matthew is driving again!!!! An electric wheelchair, that is!!! Friday he got to do it for the first time and he was very excited and not really focused. He ran into quite a few things. Monday he had another shot at it and did really well. He was very intent and serious as he drove the wheelchair this time and did much better. He maneuvered around obstacles, took the wheelchair into the elevator, did some tight maneuvering around poles, went through handicapped accessible doors, etc. It took lots of concentration on Matthew's part, but he did very well.

Matthew is now using his right hand to shake hands with people. It is wonderful that he is working with his right hand more and more. Another improvement that is great to see is his body strength. He can sit up in bed, holding himself up completely without support from others for 15 MINUTES!

This week was a busy week with several visits with doctors. On Monday two new neurologists working with Matthew's case met him for the first time. They had only read Matthew's file and seen the notes on Matthew's history and progress. So, when they saw him in person they were amazed. The young man in the files didn't seem to fit the responsive, happy young man before them. A CAT scan was done and there is still a little bit of fluid on Matthew's brain but it has reduced a great deal.

The other doctor visit this week was with Matthew's primary physician, Dr. Rupright in Columbia. He was so pleased with Matthew's progress and says Matthew is doing beautifully! Because Matthew is showing such great improvement, Dr. Rupright is recommending that Matthew come back to Rusk Rehab Center in Columbia for more intensive therapy. At Rusk they would use the auto-ambulator which gets Matthew up and standing and then walking. This device moves the legs for the person and gives a "wake up call" to the brain in how to walk again. Rusk would also spend more time strengthening Matthew's right arm as well as work intently on his speech. And hopefully in time Matthew would have his own electric wheelchair. The daily regimen at Rusk would be geared to enhance and spur Matthew onto even greater improvement, building on what he's already accomplished.

The computer arrived yesterday!! It will take a little time for Matthew and parents to learn how to operate it fully, but he did do some puzzles on it already and he's "soaking it up"!

Matthew's voice is getting stronger and stronger every day. His chuckle has become a deep laugh. While I was on the phone getting the report about Matthew, I could hear him in the background blowing on a tonette and it sounded like he was enjoying making noise. Blowing helps to strengthen his muscles in his throat and esophagus.

Matthew's come such a long way. We give thanks to our Lord and Savior for all the healing and recovery of Matthew's brain.

"It is good to give thanks to the Lord,
to sing praises to your name, O Most High;
to declare your steadfast love in the morning,
and your faithfulness by night,
to the music of the lute and the harp,
to the melody of the lyre.
For you, O Lord, have made me glad by your work;
at the works of your hands I sing for joy."
Psalm 92:1-4

Rachel Asburry
Matthew's godmother

January 12, 2007

Update - 1/12/07

"Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I say, Rejoice!"

As we begin a new year, we often examine the past year and consider and make plans for the new year. We often take this time to be thankful for all the blessings Our Lord has bestowed on us. Well, today and everyday we are thankful for Matthew's continuing progress and especially for the new accomplishments I will share with you today.

This week Matthew pulled HIMSELF up to a standing position using the parallel bar during a therapy session. He needed a small amount of assistance, but did most of it himself. He grabbed onto the bar with his left hand and hooked his right arm around the bar and worked to pull himself up. It took alot of effort, but HE DID IT!

Matthew continues to be cheerful and all smiles (except at meal time)! He responds to greetings quicker such as saying "Good Morning" without the pause. When he is asked "How are you?", his usual responses are "Good", "Fine" or "Awesome"! His speaking is becoming clearer and comes out quicker.

Several weeks ago Matthew got a cold and was feeling pretty crummy. It is especially when he isn't feeling well that he refuses to eat food. So, he had to be tube-fed for a while. Wednesday he ate lunch again for the first time in three weeks. He didn't want to hold the utensil himself but he did accept Mom feeding him. The day before he fed himself apples. Wednesday he also drank from a cup five times. It's great to have his interest in drinking from the cup return.

There are more "firsts" this week! Matthew rolled himself over to the side of the bed unassisted for the first time. This is a great accomplishment!

Another first was Matthew used his RIGHT arm to flick styrofoam shapes laying in front of him off the table. He did this over and over with his RIGHT arm! Matthew was thrilled! Then someone would put one of the styrofoam shapes between his fingers on his right hand and instructed him to get rid of the shape. He lifted his right arm up by the side of his head and then wiggled his fingers until the toy was dislodged. And he repeated this again and again. The therapists and his parents are excited to see Matthew's right side begin "waking up"! It appears his brain is beginning to recognize the signals for the right side of his body. Every day there is something new that he does with his right side.

Matthew's recall of saying what an oject is is getting better. He is shown flashcards of different objects like "coffee cup", "radio", "shirt", etc. and he is able to identify the objects. He can also count to 30 unassisted and before the #'s 6,7,8,9 were slurred in his speech, but now they are clear and understandable.

Recently Matthew saw an eye doctor that specializes in care of patients with head trauma and other vision disabilities. This doctor was pleased to say that Matthew's vision is normal. His right eye is a little blurry, so the doctor recommended getting small objects like beads for Matthew to pick up. This will help to improve his focus and strengthen his eye.

More good news!!!! - Matthew qualified to get an assisted technology computer (touch screen). The therapists and parents go for training this coming Tuesday on how to use the computer. Then Matthew will be introduced to it. This computer will be attached to Matthew's wheelchair and will go with him always as he needs it. The programs are designed to advance according to Matthew's abilities or skills as he continues to learn. In the future Matthew will be able to keep track of his schedule and be reminded by the computer to do things. This is crucial for brain trauma patients (I think we all need that at times, don't we?!). And that's just the tip of the iceberg of what Matthew will be able to do with this computer. We look forward to hearing how this assists Matthew in his recapturing of skills that we all take for granted.

That's all the good news I have for today. Thank you for all your support and love and prayers for Matthew and the Kurz family!!

Rachel Asburry
Matthew's godmother