Matthew is movin' and groovin'. Since the last post, Matthew has taken a total of 51 steps on his own. Now, he doesn't do all of those at once, of course. He can usually take five or six steps a day, but it's alot of work for him. He is showing more and more control over his left leg in taking the step and is steadier. The right leg has to be moved manually by someone else because Matthew still isn't able to move it. But on the positive side, the therapists can see move muscle movement as he tries to move his right leg and that's good.
Tuesday Matthew got a walker. With a person on either side of him, he pulls himself up to a standing position. He's getting better and better with his balance and does very well with switching his weight from one leg to the other.
Matthew speech continues to improve. He is saying more and more words on his own when naming objects. He's also beginning to initiate things. He points to something he wants and uses his facial expressions to try to communicate his needs, but then he speaks really fast and mumbles the words of what he wants. So, he has to say it again to be understood and he tries hard to correct his words. He will also spin his wheelchair around and head to the door to ty to follow his family when they leave to go somewhere.
Next Wednesday Matthew will receive an injection of botox in his right bicep. The muscle is extremely tight and he's not able to use it very well in therapy because of the taughtness.
Please keep Matthew in your prayers for next Friday. He will be seeing the neurologist for more testing. They need to figure out why Matthew still has fluid on his brain and determine if the shunt is not working properly or other causes of fluid build-up. The level of fluid has not gone done from January through July 2007.
Despite the ups and downs, the fact that Matthew continues to improve this far out from the accident is remarkable. He continues to show signs of mending which is unusual after 18 months from the time of the accident. He definitely is not a textbook case.
In previous posts, I mentioned that Andrew would be starting college. Well, that time is here. Andrew is doing well and enjoys college so far (doing a great job getting acquainted and making new friends). He is attending Rockhurst University in Kansas City. We thank the Lord for Andrew's accomplishments and his strength of character.
Blessings to you this day!
Rachel Asburry
Matthew's Godmother